Saturday 12 November 2011


I’ve developed an alarming new addiction. Facebook and ebay are well and truly old news now that Gumtree and are in my life. These two sites allow me unabated shopping opportunities from the comfort of the recliner during long unfilled hours at work. When a trio of Swedish Blue ducks popped onto my screen, a little googling confirmed that these were suitably rare but friendly dual purpose and mostly flightless ducks. A phone call, 2 days and some frantic cage building (and moving) later I collected a trio of young ducks, suitably named ‘duck duck duck!’

The girls started off well laying an egg each for the first 4 days, although followed up with a whole month not laying, only to start again, yesterday after I had well and truly given up hope!

The ducks now free-range in the increasingly long grass and are virtually invisible, only trackable by their gentle chatter. They’ve been encouraged down to the dam twice but firmly insist on foraging in and around the veggie garden.

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